Blog:What to Expect During a Pet Wellness Exam

When you get a pet, you are set for the excitement of having a new friend and the company they offer. After some time, you realize their safety and health depend on your care. Moreover, your pets become more than just pets: They are part of your family. This increasing affection makes taking care of them more critical.
Like taking care of yourself or a child, pets also need regular care visits to ensure everything is okay. Pet wellness exams are a critical part of your furry friend’s well-being. As a new pet owner, you may wonder what happens in a wellness exam that is so important. One of the instincts of animals is hiding weakness and sickness. Because of this, wellness exams help you ensure your pet is healthy.
What Happens in a Pet Wellness Exam?
A wellness exam is often a hands-on service with the vet. The vet will check for signs of issues in various parts of your pet’s body. Most of the changes they check for are often very subtle and take a trained eye to spot. A comprehensive wellness exam will involve the examination of the following:
Mouth or oral cavity
Lymph nodes
How Often Should Your Pet Have a Wellness Exam?
The frequency of pet wellness exams can differ based on several factors, including age. For instance, kittens and puppies require more frequent visits in their first year. In this first year, they usually get most vaccinations and sterilization.
What Is in a Thorough Wellness Exam?
Obesity is not just a human problem but also an animal issue. Obesity predisposes your pet to various conditions that can all be avoided. So, one of the first things the vet will do is weigh your pet. Depending on the breed, they will let you know if your pet is in the healthy weight range.
Cats and dogs usually have dental issues within their first three years. Because of this, a dental checkup is among the priorities of a vet visit. Dental issues can lead to oral pain, systemic condition, or infections. Studies have found a link between disease, systemic inflammation, and dental health.
Diet and Nutrition
Diet is critical in maintaining a healthy weight. It also affects dental health. The vet will guide you on the best diet for your pet. They will advise a healthy and nutritious diet to keep your pet happy and strong.
Another critical aspect of pet health is immunization. Many conditions that can affect your pet's health are preventable through vaccines. After the first vaccines in their first year, pets usually need boosters as they age. This helps ensure that their immunity remains strong. Other conditions require new vaccinations every year.
The final aspect of a wellness exam is the diagnostic tests. These tests help the vet know how your pet’s body works on the inside. They usually include urinalysis, blood work, fecal matter testing, and X-rays.
For more on what to expect during a pet wellness exam, visit Town & Country Animal Hospital at our office in Bonita, California. Call (619) 479-3311 to book an appointment today.